My Characters
Image Gallery
The Creator
Fanlistings & Quizes

Welcome to Dreamation!!!





Kon'nichiwa Minna!  Welcome to 'Dreamation', the site where you can check out all the characters I've created in my insane mind!  Some are completely original, and some are based off my favorite anime.  ^_^ This site is just for fun, and if you don't like my characters...Good for you!  Well, take a look around and enjoy yourself!   ~Stephanie

If you'd like, feel free to send in fan art or fanfiction of my characters!  I love receiveing it!  And I'll even post it on the page...free of charge! ^_^  So send in your drawings and stories!

What's New?

So, you want to know what's been going on here at Dreamation?  Well, look below to find out!
6/22/04 - Well, I updated again. ^_^  More images in the Image Gallery...under Showcase, Newer, Fanart, and Old/Junk.  Also, the links page was redone with new links.
6/06/04 - HOLY CRAP I UPDATED!!!  Wow, I thought I'd never get to it...but I did it! lol.  Lots of new pics up in the gallery, a new character page (Riley Faolan), and my info updated.  Maybe more to come soon...ha. >_>
1/07/04 - It's done!  I finally finished with all the major updates!  I'm so happy! *sobs*  Thanks Jateshi-chan for helping me out!  Little updates that still need to be done will happen sometime next week. ^_^
1/06/04 - I'm really now starting to get the page redone!  I'm done with all the pics/graphics and am now working on everything else.  This may mean a lot of stuff (like gallery pics) will be down for a short time.  Bare with me though!  I'm determined to get this done soon!!!
12/22/03 - Finally!!!!  I'm on winter break...I can actually work on the site!  And boy do I have a lot I want to do!  Hopefully I can get it all done!  Right now just a new home page image up and I updated the creator info page.  Come back later for more updates!

7/27/02- Dreamation is born!  An all new site is built!


Feel free to e-mail me at Stephy287@hotmail.com
Or Instant Message me at: ShukiAi


My characters © me (Stephanie), and all other characters are © by their respective owners...so do not sue!  Thank you! ^_^